Helping You
Choose The Best
Helping You
Choose The Best
WIN Education by Westminster International is a UK Education Advisory Agent which is recognised by the British Council Agent Training and Examinations.
Currently operating in London and Bangkok, WIN-Ed represents over 100 universities, colleges, and language schools throughout the UK.
All our counsellors have obtained postgraduate degrees from leading UK universities, and have many years of experience in supporting international students with their university applications, visa applications, accommodation arrangements, and travel plans.
Our mission is to create a smooth journey to university for international students.
We can help you withâĶ
Choice of university | Application processing and supporting document preparation | Preparing for VISA application in the UK | Finding accommodation in the UK |
and beneficially many moreâĶ
University Application Support Service:
Premium Counselling Service
This package is designed to support students who need assistance with applications to universities that do not have an agent or a limited number of agents includingâĶ
IELTS & Academic English
Westminster School of EnglishSpecialists in IELTS & Academic English
Westminster School of English is an official IELTS Test Venue for British Council, and the test is available in both paper-based and computer-delivered formats at our centre.
Agent Authorisation
âI have already submitted my university application, but now I need WIN to help me with the next stepâ
We are here to help!
As an official UK University representative, we are allowed to give assistance to you to make sure that your application process is smooth and successful. Our standard service package is free of charge. Just follow these steps.
Pre-Departure Briefing Event
If you use WIN Education study abroad counselling service, either our standard or premium service, you will have access to the Pre-departure briefing event to make sure that you are fully prepared before you fly to the UK.
ïŧŋOur half-day pre-departure briefing will include information and instructions such as:
and beneficially many moreâĶ
Airport arrival
Transport from the airport to your accommodation
Extending your Visa while in the UK
UK Airport Greeting & Transfer to Accommodation
Are you travelling overseas for the first time and feeling nervous?
Thereâs no need to worry as our London office will look after you. You can book our Airport Greeting Service as an additional service.
You will have a UK welcome bag, which will have a UK sim card with £5 credit and the contact information of WIN Education London office. |
University Application Support Service:
Standard Counselling Service
WIN will provide a personal counselling service tailor-made to your requirements. You will be guided through 6 key stages by our experienced counsellors who have obtained degrees from UK universities and have also passed the UK Education Agent Training Examination by British Council.
Advice: We will help you find the right choice of university which is suitable to your needs. We will also help you prepare supporting documents for your application. |
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